
Florida’s Guardian ad Litem Program needs YOU!

Today’s Gainesville Sun contains an article on the 8th Judicial Circuit’s Guardian ad Litem Program (“GAL”). The article focuses on Kathy Donavan, the Program’s Assistant Circuit Director, who is an incredible asset to GAL and Florida. Kathy, like the hundreds of...

Dangers of Alcohol

Many adoptive families raise the concern of potential drug use by birth mothers and the possible deleterious effects on the infant/child. Drugs are obviously potentially harmful. However, alcohol has proved to be much more damaging and with wide ranging long term...

Adoption Tax Credit

I have received a number of calls in the past few weeks about the adoption tax credit. The IRS has yet to post the new form 1089 for 2010 but some have indicated that the new form should be ready by next week. As soon as it is available, I will post a link. Also, I...

Foster Care Children Eligible for Free Lunch

From Howard Davidson at the ABA: “I wanted my colleagues to know about an important provision of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296), enacted on 12/13/10. The Act, in Section 102, amends a key provision of the National School Lunch Act (42...

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