Expectant Mothers | Law Office of Mary K. Wimsett
Deciding whether to place a child for adoption is obviously an extremely difficult decision. The goal of our office is to assist expectant mothers with this process in a manner that enables them to feel good about their decision to place the best interest of the child above their own. We are happy to meet with expectant mothers to discuss the options available and the support that can be provided throughout their pregnancy. Expectant mothers may pick their own family or ask our office to match the child in a home with an approved home study. Our adoptive families are prepared to pay pregnancy expenses as well as counseling before and after the birth. Expectant mothers can decide if they wish for the adoption to be closed, open or semi-open.
We have incredible respect and admiration for the expectant mothers who are courageous and unselfish enough to place their child for adoption when they are unable to care for their child. We seek to make the process as smooth and uncomplicated as possible. We are available to meet with expectant mothers at a time and place most convenient for them.