Where to Start? Part 2
Adoptive Families often find the beginning of the adoption process overwhelming and intimidating. If you have experienced infertility, it is very important that you first grieve this loss sufficiently before jumping into an adoption. The next step is to gather information about adoption so that you can develop an adoption plan that fits your needs and desires for your family.
There is an abundance of information about adoptions available on the internet. A good place to start is www.creatingafamily.org. Creating a Family is a non-profit that provides education and resources about infertility and adoption. The Executive Director, Dawn Davenport, regularly blogs on adoption issues and her posts are interesting and informative.
If you prefer a book, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of great options. I would start by spending an afternoon at your local library browsing the adoption section. I found the “Adoption Nation” by Adam Pertman very helpful. Pertman provides an overview of the current state of adoption and details the pros and cons associated with the different types of adoptions. Scott Simon’s “In Praise of Adoption,” which details the adoption of his daughter from China, is one of my all time favorite books. Simon’s elegant prose describes his adoption experience with frank honesty and emotion.
One of the services that the Law Office of Mary K. Wimsett can provide is a complete overview of the many options and variables associated with adoption. As I stated last week in my blog to birth mothers, it can be overwhelming at the beginning of your journey, but it is absolutely worth it.