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- Step-Parent Adoption in Florida
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- Thank You
- What is an Adoption Home Study
- North Florida Adoption Blog Written by an Experienced Attorney
- Florida Court of Appeal Applies Full Faith & Credit Clause to Gay Adoption Issue
- Celebrate Foster Families
- Relative Adoptions in Florida
- Florida Court: Adoption over Permanent Guardianship
- New Website For Our Florida Adoption Law Office!
- Step-Parent Adoptions in Florida
- Celebrate National Adoption Month
- Adoption Tax Credit Extended
- Adoption Advocate No. 31: Foster Care and Adoption-Related Legislation in the 111th Congress
- Tax Time
- Summary of Current Status of Gay Adoption Issue in Florida
- Adoption Tax Credit
- Special thanks to EvolveAloud for their professional and extraordinary assistance with my website
- Great story about adopting an older child from foster care
- NYTimes blog post about when and why adoptions fail
- International Adoptions Drop in USA
- China to change policy for American families adopting
- Article about Florida’s high number of children adopted from foster care
- Suspension of Adoptions in Nepal where abandonment alleged
- Progress in Haitian Adoptions as Legislation passes
- I like the term “first mother” instead of “birth mother” as raised in this article
- New Time article on FB and adoption
- “A Family is what you make it”
- Well written blog post about having a child who looks different than you
- Seminar in September for Adoptive Families–How to deal with Facebook!
- This article illustrates the importance of the Child Citizenship Act of 2000
- Touching story about adoption from NPR’s Scott Simon
- I’m putting this book at the top of my reading list
- Challenges of International Adoption
- Good advice for those embarking on their adoption journey
- Thank you to all of you who give OUR children roots and wings
- How to pick your adoption Agency
- New legal issue? Adoption of frozen embryos
- Touching Article in Washington Post. Happy Friday!
- Other States following Florida’s focus on adoption
- A few months old but wow-powerful and moving perspective from a birth mother
- New report on access to birth information by adult adoptees
- AP reporting drop in number of children in foster care
- Interesting Pilot Program in Eithiopia
- Florida’s Third DCA heard gay adoption case yesterday
- China considering reform of “one child” rule
- Australia passes law to allow same sex couples to adopt
- A nice adoption story. Happy Friday everyone!
- Governor Crist changes position on Gay Adoption
- A very cute adoption story
- Should Governor Crist withdraw objection to gay adoption lawsuit?
- “My Beautiful Bow,” a story about Adoption
- Good news from Secretary Sheldon
- Heartbreaking Tale from the Chicago Tribune
- 3rd DCA finds ban on gay adoption unconstitutional!!!
- Ban on Gay Adoptions Struck Down in Florida
- Good reminder about the dangers of fetal alcohol
- Article illustrating the importance of addressing birth fathers from the beginning of the adoption process
- Excellent Information Regarding the Adoption Tax Credit
- Simon’s New book is a must read for all involved with Adoption
- Advocating for Very Young Children in Dependency Proceedings
- A very special adoption story
- Adoption Report from the Center for American Progress
- Excellent Summary of the Adoption Tax Credit
- Kenny’s story
- Celebrate Adoption in November
- Adoption Parties!
- Florida’s Adoption Registry
- Open Adoption
- Good overview of Fostering
- Foster Care Children Eligible for Free Lunch
- Adoption Tax Credit
- Adoption Tax Credit Form Now Available!
- Dangers of Alcohol
- Florida’s Guardian ad Litem Program needs YOU!
- Latest on Adoption Tax Credit
- One Year Anniversary
- Where to Begin? Part 1 (for Birth Mothers)
- Where to Begin? Part 2 (for Adoptive Families)
- Tax Credit Update
- Same-Sex Couple Finalizes Adoption in Florida